KJD Approach

KJD Approach

Life in the Community

Our Registration Manager assesses all of our prospective clients. The process involves the client, their family and the team of professionals currently caring for them. At the end of the process a transition plan is formulated that looks at immediate needs, historical factors, risks, the best support techniques that have helped the client in the past and the transfer of care to local teams.

During this time, depending on their needs, the client will gradually get to know the service and will complete the transfer to the local care, including GP services and local health services where require. Our staff will complete a plan with the client, supporting them through the process.

We are committed to measuring outcomes and enabling our clients to focus on their progress. Such measures are what we use when working with the client to develop their personal plan.

We Offer Quality and Affordable Service To Everyone.

don't hesitate to contact us.